Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Good morning

I have some how gotten busy in life Between the kids work and my mother in law having terminal cancer I seem to have forgotten this place.  I will try to remember and get back on here when I can.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

It snowed on March first

So as it said on top it snowed the other morning, which was great because well hey I am a school bus driver and I enjoy a snow day as much as the kids do.  I woke the kids up early and demanded they go out and make me a snow man.  I  went to a few neighbors and let them know I would watch all their kids because....well hey I am home anyways.   I then set out preparing for the day. Hot chocolate, check, fire in the wood stove, check. Towels in the entry way to get the water from wet snow covered children, double check.  Camera all charged and ready to go. And out I went to see what the kids were up to at this point.

One of the neighbor girls with what I am thinking is a head of a snow man!

My adorable almost 14 yr old son his birthday is next week.  He is working very hard to make my snowman I ordered!

His weird little 11 yr old sister doing?.....Well I am not sure really,  I think she is biting the snow mans nose?

My two kiddo's with their finished snowman.

Ahh another neighbors kid heading our way.  Let see if I can start something?

I tell the kids to follow me to get pictures cause the view is better over here!

Haha my son made a snow angle!  Then I yell to the girls "Get HIM!!!"  and all hell breaks loose!

I love that just a few words and a snow ball fight will erupt!
This was my favorite shot, you can see the snow ball heading right for his head.

And here my son is getting my daughter I love how her hands are in the air.  
On the way back inside I saw these pretty little crocuses in the snow.  As of now all the snow is gone except for a half melted snowman.  Tomorrow is supposed to be 55 degrees out I hope so.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Having fun in the fog

Theres really not to much to say about these pics except I enjoy going out in the fog.  My mom on the other hand gets clauserforbic 

We have been having alot of fog lately. So I felt it was only right to share it with the world

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

my gals

It is a beautiful day out today even if it is freezing.  But I thought I would take this lovely sunshine to introduce you to my girls.  That's eleven funny and fantastic hens.

 This is Blondie.  Yes I know she's a red head but when she was a chick she was a very fluffy yellow

This Is Brownie.  She is a brown leghorn.  brown leghorn = crazy, fast hen.
You will not catch her, she does not like you and never ever will.  There is no fence or cage built that can hold her.  (she may have super powers)

This is Buffy, she is an overall nice quiet gal

This is Dory she is one of my small hens I have three. They lay little small eggs and usually stick together

The speckled one on the right is Penny.  She is one of my special hens I adopted from a friend.  She walks funny and falls over all the time.  My friend he she and her sister were squished in shipping and they are both alittle off

This is Frizzle.  She is another small chicken and also my favorite 

Iggy, she will try to have attitude and peck you but if you have an attitude back she will bow down and allow you to pet her,  you just have to earn the right to do it

Little Momma. my smallest hen. She has the sweetest little chirps and likes to hide in my mint plants to lay her eggs. Coincidentally she always smells minty

Omlet.  She is my chocolate egger and lays the most beautiful dark brown eggs.

A close up of Penny's feathers they are soooooo pretty in the sunshine!

Trudy  she is my other special chicken. She walks with a limp so she stomps around and I think she has vision problems but she is a good girl

Zoey is my oldest hen at 7 years old.  She is a wonderful hen and my forever pet!  Even when she does stop laying someday.  Of coarse all my hens have a forever home.  But I have a special place in my heart for her.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's cold and wet!

OK I know it's cold and wet, Duh right?  But it is also a really beautiful time of the year if you can out and go hiking in it.  Here are some pics I have gotten recently

This one is awesome I love the shapes that are in the ice.   It was a total find!

And this one just shows what a determined little butt I can be.  If you can tell it was pouring rain and cold and I was still out there!  But it just shows that there are some nice pictures that can happen because of the rotten weather.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A strange day

Hi again I hope everyone had a good new years.   Ours was loud,  I swear every year there are more and more fireworks. Anyways on to the pictures Sorry the one below is turned wrong I swear I can not find anything on this website to turn a photo.  Ok so did you guess what it is?............It's a baby opossum!  11 of them to be exact.  How did I come to have 11 baby opossums in my house you ask? 

Well every day I walk my dog.  We usually get up before the sun is sup to do a walk often up to the Starbucks because well it is frigid outside this time of year.  Anyways back to my story.  So we were walking along and I see a dead opossum on the side of the road. "yuck" but no real big surprise because we see them all the time.  But as I am passing I look down and what do I see but it's stomach is wiggling all over like something from a creepy horror movie.  Then I remember that opossums have a pouch much like a kangaroo    and so we are about a mile from home now.  So I turn around and take Joey on an impressive fast walk home where I come running in to get the cat carrier and a towel.  At this point my husband is up and looks at me a little funny.  So I tell him what I saw, and dash out the door into the car and back to the opossum.  Well needless to say there were in fact 11 little babies in there.  I brought them home and put a heating pad under the blanket.  My wonderful husband didn't even bat an eye.  I guess after 14 years of marriage he knows what I am like.  I then spent the next few hours trying to find a wildlife rehab place to take them. It turns out that 11 is alot!  mot only would take a few.  But eventually I did find someone and drove the hour and a half to get to her place where she had all sorts of animals and opossums of all different ages.  My daughter of coarse loved this whole experience and tried to convince me to keep one (not gonna happen)  I am willing to rescue them but I don't want one as a pet. But we did get a couple of nice photos to remember this strange little memory.