Monday, January 2, 2012

A strange day

Hi again I hope everyone had a good new years.   Ours was loud,  I swear every year there are more and more fireworks. Anyways on to the pictures Sorry the one below is turned wrong I swear I can not find anything on this website to turn a photo.  Ok so did you guess what it is?............It's a baby opossum!  11 of them to be exact.  How did I come to have 11 baby opossums in my house you ask? 

Well every day I walk my dog.  We usually get up before the sun is sup to do a walk often up to the Starbucks because well it is frigid outside this time of year.  Anyways back to my story.  So we were walking along and I see a dead opossum on the side of the road. "yuck" but no real big surprise because we see them all the time.  But as I am passing I look down and what do I see but it's stomach is wiggling all over like something from a creepy horror movie.  Then I remember that opossums have a pouch much like a kangaroo    and so we are about a mile from home now.  So I turn around and take Joey on an impressive fast walk home where I come running in to get the cat carrier and a towel.  At this point my husband is up and looks at me a little funny.  So I tell him what I saw, and dash out the door into the car and back to the opossum.  Well needless to say there were in fact 11 little babies in there.  I brought them home and put a heating pad under the blanket.  My wonderful husband didn't even bat an eye.  I guess after 14 years of marriage he knows what I am like.  I then spent the next few hours trying to find a wildlife rehab place to take them. It turns out that 11 is alot!  mot only would take a few.  But eventually I did find someone and drove the hour and a half to get to her place where she had all sorts of animals and opossums of all different ages.  My daughter of coarse loved this whole experience and tried to convince me to keep one (not gonna happen)  I am willing to rescue them but I don't want one as a pet. But we did get a couple of nice photos to remember this strange little memory.

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