Saturday, March 3, 2012

It snowed on March first

So as it said on top it snowed the other morning, which was great because well hey I am a school bus driver and I enjoy a snow day as much as the kids do.  I woke the kids up early and demanded they go out and make me a snow man.  I  went to a few neighbors and let them know I would watch all their kids because....well hey I am home anyways.   I then set out preparing for the day. Hot chocolate, check, fire in the wood stove, check. Towels in the entry way to get the water from wet snow covered children, double check.  Camera all charged and ready to go. And out I went to see what the kids were up to at this point.

One of the neighbor girls with what I am thinking is a head of a snow man!

My adorable almost 14 yr old son his birthday is next week.  He is working very hard to make my snowman I ordered!

His weird little 11 yr old sister doing?.....Well I am not sure really,  I think she is biting the snow mans nose?

My two kiddo's with their finished snowman.

Ahh another neighbors kid heading our way.  Let see if I can start something?

I tell the kids to follow me to get pictures cause the view is better over here!

Haha my son made a snow angle!  Then I yell to the girls "Get HIM!!!"  and all hell breaks loose!

I love that just a few words and a snow ball fight will erupt!
This was my favorite shot, you can see the snow ball heading right for his head.

And here my son is getting my daughter I love how her hands are in the air.  
On the way back inside I saw these pretty little crocuses in the snow.  As of now all the snow is gone except for a half melted snowman.  Tomorrow is supposed to be 55 degrees out I hope so.

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