Thursday, December 15, 2011

Saturday morning

 This last Saturday I decided I needed to get out and brave the cold weather.  What these pics don't show is that it is 24 degrees out and windy

But it was totally worth it.  I love watching the sun rise, and I love watching the sunrise on the water.

That being said by the time I was done my poor little fingers were bright red and so stiff I could hardly click the button to take pictures.  I know my won fault I should have brought gloves.  But it really was a spur of the moment kind of thing,  I ran out of the house and headed to the river to get these photos before the sun came up.

This one was my favorite,  I don't know exactly what it is but it speaks to me........

There was also alot of fog that kept rolling through so I had to wait to take pics.

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