Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hiking with the dog

The other morning I took my middle child and the dog for a hike down by the river.  I think my dog is getting to old for this.  He did not enjoy climbing down the steep hill to get to the water nor did he enjoy the docks because they were frozen and he slide down one about 15 feet before I caught him.  Then he didn't want to continue on.  He is 11 yrs old now and I don't think he likes these kind of trips anymore.  He prefers the flat ground and no slipping kinds of walks.

He tried to keep his spirits up but it didn't fool me most of the time he looked like he'd rather be anywhere else doing just about anything else. except when I take his picture cause I call his name and he thinks he might be getting a cookie

The scenery was great though and although it was cold, there was no breeze so it was enjoyable

I have a thing for these wood things, I don't really know what they are but I love taking pictures of them.

Well I probably wont be on again until after Christmas, so happy holidays........

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