Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fun with frost

Well I hope all had a good Christmas.  It's been rather hectic here.  Not to much today so I thought I better get online and say hi!  Here are a few fun pics I have taken over the past week this is the frost on the inside of my green house windows.

I have to admit I have been looking forward to seeing what is out there every morning.  I go out first thing after feeding the dogs.  I head out to feed the Chickens or my gals as I call them. And I happen to store their feed in my greenhouse.

As you can tell I have been getting quite a show.  This one was my favorite I really liked.  I was kind of sad when it melted.  Anyways stay warm and dry and have a Happy New Years.  In case I dont make it back on here before then!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hiking with the dog

The other morning I took my middle child and the dog for a hike down by the river.  I think my dog is getting to old for this.  He did not enjoy climbing down the steep hill to get to the water nor did he enjoy the docks because they were frozen and he slide down one about 15 feet before I caught him.  Then he didn't want to continue on.  He is 11 yrs old now and I don't think he likes these kind of trips anymore.  He prefers the flat ground and no slipping kinds of walks.

He tried to keep his spirits up but it didn't fool me most of the time he looked like he'd rather be anywhere else doing just about anything else. except when I take his picture cause I call his name and he thinks he might be getting a cookie

The scenery was great though and although it was cold, there was no breeze so it was enjoyable

I have a thing for these wood things, I don't really know what they are but I love taking pictures of them.

Well I probably wont be on again until after Christmas, so happy holidays........

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Saturday morning

 This last Saturday I decided I needed to get out and brave the cold weather.  What these pics don't show is that it is 24 degrees out and windy

But it was totally worth it.  I love watching the sun rise, and I love watching the sunrise on the water.

That being said by the time I was done my poor little fingers were bright red and so stiff I could hardly click the button to take pictures.  I know my won fault I should have brought gloves.  But it really was a spur of the moment kind of thing,  I ran out of the house and headed to the river to get these photos before the sun came up.

This one was my favorite,  I don't know exactly what it is but it speaks to me........

There was also alot of fog that kept rolling through so I had to wait to take pics.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I can't sleep anymore

As I wake up again today at an hour no human should wake up.  On a Sunday no less I lay there thinking why me.  Why does my body say wake up at 4:30am.  I makes no sense, it does not matter how early or late I go to bed, I still wake up at hours before the sun comes up and wide awake.  I think its the kids.  Before I had kids I slept till 11am or later.  Now I cant seem to sleep more the 5 hours a night.  I think I am starting to resent my pets, the damn things sleep all day. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Garden picks in black and white

I freezing outside today.  So I made a fire, decorated the Christmas tree.  Watched a movie

Just thought i'd edit some pictures I took this fall before the cold weather came and everything dropped it leaves and went dormant. 

I dont know what it is about this time of year when I miss my garden and just await the spring.  I really need to get a hobby for the cold frozen days of Winter.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Disappearing pieces from our past

I love old barns, nothing makes me happier then finding an old barn to photograph.

But it makes me sad when they disappear.  The first three are no longer around

This one cracked me up.  The only thing holding it up is the silo it fell on.

To me they are reminders of our past that are disappearing as new housing goes up.  I am always a little sad when I drive by and see one is missing.  But I love my photos that I get to enjoy long after the barns are gone and the houses go up.