Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Horsetail falls

This is horsetail and ponytail falls,  I love this place. I even love the hike up to it

My daughter found this nice little hole in a tree.  I thought it would make a cute picture

The three kids on the trail.  I love the greenery here

This is a pic from behind ponytail falls

Sorry this picture is sideways I couldn't seem to get it turned around and gave up but it is still a beautiful fall

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The end of the soccer season

Last weekend was the tournament and the end of the fall soccer season. We made it to the semi finals which I thought was pretty impressive considering that we were missing three of our players.  Two of which were are forwards.

I am glad it is over at least for a little while.  I need my life back.  It seems we are always running to practices and games

I know I will miss it soon enough but it will start up again this spring.  But of coarse while I wait I have about a billion pictures to sort through edit and e-mail out to the team

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dotti and her baths

OK I have to share, I have the sweetest deaf English bulldog.  She is sweet, and kind and the most loving animal in the world.  She is also a comedian.  She is always up to some antic that makes you laugh.  Part of it is that she is clumsy.

But my favorite time is her bath time.  I swear no dog on earth looks more pathetic,  She just gives you these looks that say "why, me"  and "what did I do to deserve this"

These pics are just a taste may they make you all smile.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

As I watch the weather tonight I see warnings of rain and snow.  It has rained so much lately that the river is raging and levels are high.  I would love to see snow but.....No more rain please.  Just for a day or two I have a ton of leaves to rake up, and garden beds that need to be tended to for the winter, and I don't want to do it in the rain.

This got me feeling the start of those winter blues that hit when it is always in the 30's and 40's and raining, raining, raining. So I thought I'd post some pics from my yard taken in August when it was lovely and sunny.

Now don't get me wrong there are days I love the stormy rainy weather, just not when I have yard work to do and I am procrastinating away.

Day one

Well I used to have a blog on here but sometimes life throws to much at you and you don't spend time doing the things you enjoy.  But as my Mom always says "this to shall pass". I look forward to get it all going again.